6th Century B.C. Pottery Styles

By February 7, 2020 Discoveries

During the 6th century B.C., Argilos knew a great variety of pottery styles. Thracian pottery dissapeared after 550, which may indicate that the Thracian inhabitants adopted the greek way of life or that they moved elsewhere, maybe to Tragilos, which was a mixed greek-thracian colony according to some ancient authors. The pottery from Chalcidiki is still present, albeit in another fashion. New shapes and decorations make their appearance, imitating vases and styles found in Eastern Greece. Vases from East Greece continue to arrive at Argilos but become less numerous during the second half of the century. The same can be said of the pottery from Andros.

Between 600 et 550, the most important quantity of imported vases found on the site comes from Corinth. Many different shapes are present, including drinking vessels, perfume vases, jugs and kraters. Imports from Athens started to arrive around 580 B.C. and gradually became more numerous. The earlier vases are mainly kraters and cups, but quite soon all the usual shapes of greek pottery are imported. The majority is simply covered with a black glaze, but many are decorated in the black and red-figured styles. They will constitute the main category of imports from the second half of the 6th century onwards. A few vases come from the region of Sparta in the Peloponnese. Regional pottery styles which developed in other greek colonies along the coast are also being traded during this period. They come, for the most part, from Thasos or its colonies. Local pottery, of course, also increased, imitating all the greek shapes necessary for everyday life.

Attic black-figured krater, 580-560 B.C.

Attic black-figured krater, 580-560 B.C.

Attic black-figured oenochoe, 575-550 B.C..

Attic black-figured oenochoe, 575-550 B.C..

Thasian plate, ca. 580-560 B.C.

Thasian plate, ca. 580-560 B.C.

Corinthian skyphoi

Corinthian skyphoi

Attic black-figured cups, 530-480 B.C.

Attic black-figured cups, 530-480 B.C.

Thasian cups, 525-500 B.C.

Thasian cups, 525-500 B.C.

Regional style hydria, 530-500 B.C

Regional style hydria, 530-500 B.C

Local style bowl, 525-500 B.C.

Local style bowl, 525-500 B.C.