Plan du secteur sud-est et Localisation du bâtiment “E”c
Along the main road leading to the acropolis, excavations brought to light a very large building, measuring about 10 square meters. It consists of a large rectangular space that gives access to large rooms at the back. This type of room division is typical of greek houses of the archaic period. But compared with the surrounding dwellings, building « E » is very well constructed, the architects using finely cut rectangular stones for the walls. The main room contained a large rectangular stone hearth in the center, on which excavators found a clay cooking support. In one of the corners, they also discovered a complete bathtub.

View of room E2 with hearth and bathtub
A very nice attic red-figured skyphos and a bead necklace were found on the floor. Along one of the side walls, an opening seems to have served to bring water; three hydriai, a type of vase used to transport water, were also unearthed. Moreover, archaeologists discovered six silver coins placed as an offering in the foundation of one the walls. Finally, on the street in front of the building, they found two clay ram heads, one of which still attached to its roof tile, which shows that they were placed at the extremity of the roof.

General view of building “E”
The excellent quality of the building material used in the construction and the particular nature of the findings indicate that this was not an ordinary house but must have been a public building. We still do not know what its exact founction was, but there is a clear relation with the use of water.

Skyphos attique à figures rouges

Ram head which was placed at the extremity of the roof